(450) 786-2020
2020 Francis-Hughes
Laval, Quebec, Canada
Making paper cutting easy and safe
YUL Technologies is a manufacturer of smart, intuitive, precise and robust electric paper cutters; The YUL Electric Paper Cutters!

Why choose YUL Electric Paper Cutters ?
All YUL Electric Paper Cutters offer a 2 year warranty on mechanical parts. Our YUL paper cutters are sturdy and built to last.
-Ease of operation-
YUL’s Electric Paper Cutters user interface will have you up and running in seconds. YUL’s Electric Paper Cutters user inferface offers more than 100 programs of each 100 steps for you. Multilingual intuitive interface plain and simple. FRENCH, ENGLISH and SPANISH language at your fingertip.
YUL Electric Paper Cutter parts are made from first quality materials assuring precision in cutting.
YUL Electric Paper Cutters offer a vast array of safety devices such as safefy light curtain, electronic sensors, safety guards, and many more devices to protect you at all times, and this even when you are not aware.
Are you looking to cut stacks of paper in a fast, safe and easy way?
Then there is a YUL Electric Paper Cutter just for you!
Choose from 4 sizes and customization options. YUL guillotine cutters are available in 4 formats; they come in sizes of 17 1/8″, 19 1/8″, 22 1/8 ” and 26 1/2″. YUL’s small footprint, low energy consumption and ease of operation make them the perfect paper cutter for graphic designers, small print shops, copy centres, colleges, universities and in-plants printers.
A YUL paper cutter is ready to be shipped to your doorstep. YUL paper cutters are shipped in a crate. All our paper cutters are equipped with wheels making delivery and installation for you. Simply roll ou the paper cutter out of the shipping crate, then plug your paper cutters and start cutting.
All YUL paper cutters design boast a low energy consumption, small footprint and adapt to the ever changing ways we work. Smaller YUL paper cutters such as the EPC017 and EPC019 fit right through a door. That’s convenient when you want to be closer to the copier, the printing press or the graphic designer. Simply roll your YUL paper cutter to your new desired location. The NEW redesigned larger cutters such as EPC022 and EPC026 now all offer a FLIP device. In few easy steps, simply remove front and back brace panels, unscrew locking bolts and pull machine’s backgauge upward, lock in position and move around on wheels. When you want to put it back into working position, unlock position, pull machine’s backgauge downward, lock into position and put back in place front and back brace panels. Tadam!
There is a myriad of ways to operate a YUL electric paper cutter. Whether you are a professional user or a once in a while user, there is a safe and easy way to use our paper cutter. YUL’s Electric Paper Cutter User Interface is intuitive and allows you to use the paper cutter a safe and easy way.